
Row of traditional houses in Puglia, Italy

Summer in South Italy

FSC is pleased to offer a Faculty Led Course in Lecce, Italy
(July 7 - August 4, 2025)

This 4-week program is an outstanding opportunity in partnership with Libera Universita' Mediterranea. You will enroll in two courses: Italian language (ITA 101 or 102 - 3 credits), taught by a LUM professor, and Sustainable Innovation (STS 391 - 3 credits), led by Farmingdale State College professor, Francesca Polo. Both classes involve excursions in southern Italy, including vineyards, archaeological sites, and natural preserves.

Open to all students from any SUNY institution. 

Cost of tuition, housing, excursions, insurance = $4750 Budget Sheet (included in this cost is being housed in a double room with AC; if you stay in a double room with no AC, your cost will be less)

Online Informational Session - Feb 27 at 11:00


  • First Generation FSC students may be eligible for a scholarship - contact the study abroad office. 
  • Fava Scholarship - This $1000 scholarship is for FSC students who are accepted into a 4-week summer study abroad program to Italy. 
  • Other scholarships available at: 


  • For SUNY students in any major
  • GPA Requirement: 2.75
  • Good disciplinary standing
  • Rolling admission until places are filled. Upon acceptance you will be asked for a $500 deposit to guarantee your place (March 15 deadline).  

Francesca Polo is an educator with a passion for making complex topics accessible and exciting. She holds a BA and two MS degrees in engineering from Rochester Institute of Technology and Purdue University and is currently a PhD Candidate in the Department of Technology and Society at Stony Brook University. Since 2005, she has taught across diverse fields like Engineering Technology, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics, and she loves creating hands-on workshops that make electronic art and coding projects fun and approachable. These workshops have been so popular that they consistently have waitlists, and all materials are generously funded by sponsors.

Born in the Friuli region of northeast Italy, Francesca is fluent in Italian and knows just enough Japanese to get around during her travels. She is also nearing completion of an art history degree, combining her love for art with her academic and teaching pursuits. Her diverse interests and global perspective enrich the classroom, making learning an exciting and well-rounded experience for all her students.

For more information, contact FSC's Study Abroad office at studyabroad@farmingdale.edu   

Study Abroad OFFICE

Eric De Sena (Study Abroad Manager)

Greenley Library, room 038G
Monday-Friday 8:00am-4:00pm