
Study Abroad in the Americas

Check out the SUNY study abroad database for programs as well as the program options listed below. 

Note: Approximate costs, based upon NYS resident status, include tuition and housing. Housing upgrades and meal plans may be available at extra cost. Airfare, meals, personal expenses, etc. are not included. Based on fees posted in 2024. Check the Study Abroad websites for more accurate cost information. 

destination program name SUNY host NYS RES APPROX COST
Belize Cortland $3700
Costa Rica U Buffalo $5300
Ecuador StonyBrook $4300
Mexico Cortland $5200

Brockport $6000


destination program name SUNY host NYS RES APPROX COST
Argentina New Paltz (requires proficiency in Spanish) $10,900
Belize Cortland $10,500
Chile Oswego $9500
Costa Rica Cortland $11,500
Ecuador Albany $11,500



destination program name SUNY host NYS RES APPROX COST
Brazil New Paltz $4000
Chile Oswego $5100
Costa Rica Cortland $4000-6000