

CSTEP offers a robust program experience with an array of services designed to assist students academically, professionally, financially, and personally, and to foster holistic development in students to become leaders in their respective fields. Note that students enrolled in the CSTEP program receive all these services for FREE!


Accepted students who meet all program expectations will receive the following:

  • Counseling - Academic, financial, and personal counseling prepares students for college life and helps them overcome unexpected obstacles
  • Peer Tutoring - One-on-one peer assistance in various subjects are offered to help students thrive in introductory and major-specific courses
  • Book Vouchers & Lending Library - Apply for vouchers to help pay for books and other class necessities. Rent out supplies such as textbooks, lab coats, goggles, and calculators
  • Paid Opportunities - Earn financial stipends for unpaid research, internships, and other paid opportunities, such as tutoring and Summer Bridge peer mentoring
  • STEM Experiences - Past STEM experiences have included visits to Six Flags for Physics Day, overnight graduate school tours, and local and regional STEM conferences
  • Summer Bridge - Incoming first-year students receive a head start during an intensive, two-week Summer Bridge program
  • Educational & Professional Development Training - Attend workshops, retreats, and other professional development opportunities that provide academic, pre-professional, networking, and financial guidance


Students presenting research at conference

CSTEP Program

Knapp Hall, Suite 128
Monday-Friday: 8:00am - 5:00pm


SueAnn Orlando-Lundquist


Sarah Coluccio
CSTEP Counselor


Branden Fredericks
Data Specialist


Brittany Buchan
Staff Assistant