
Space Management

Space is a limited College resource and, consequently, it must be managed responsibly and in a way that promotes the advancement of the College’s mission and strategic priorities of the campus.

51³Ô¹Ï has significant space constraints. The 2012 Facilities Master Plan stated that our projected enrollment for 2023 would be 7,250 FTE. Our 2019 enrollment was 8,536 FTE, an increase of 34.34%. In 2012, our FTE was 5,605 FTE and the FMP demonstrated that the college suffered from a deficit in net assignable area of 84,106 SF. It was determined that we would have a projected growth of 29% through 2023 with a necessary addition increase of 105,592 square feet. The FMP also stated that with the current deficit in 2012 of 84,106SF and the expected growth to 2023, the College would have been looking at a deficit of 189,698 NASF.

With our current enrollment trend having surpassed the projections, the deficit is recalculated at 199,182 NASF by 2023. With the addition of the Campus Center, the School of Business, and the Child Care Center, Farmingdale has added roughly 96,054SF with a new deficit of 103,128SF.

The space constraints are likely to become more severe if funding is not received for the new Computer Science Building (roughly 45,000SF) as well as funding for two major academic building renovations (Thompson Hall and Sinclair Hall).

In order to face the challenges of a thriving institution such as Farmingdale, we need to address these space constraints on a granular level. Creative use of space can help alleviate the space constraint and improve the College’s effectiveness in meeting its goals.