


To provide support to FSC faculty, staff, and students to complete innovative and informative projects that further FSC's commitment to diversity, equity, and inclusion. The DEI Innovation Grant Program is presented by the Office of Diversity Equity and Inclusive Excellence.


FSC teaching faculty (FT/PT), classified staff, and students. A strong preference will be given to proposals that have a college-wide impact, cross-campus collaboration, or cross-department collaboration.


Awards will range between $500 - $1000 to allow for the pursuit and completion of innovative DEI projects that support the college's mission, its commitment to Inclusive Excellence, and its focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion. Funding may be used for various types of projects including community partnership events, campus events, faculty, staff or student workshops, student advancement projects, or other DEI-related projects. Awardees will have one year to complete projects from the time of the award and will submit an evaluation of the project to the Vice President for Diversity and Inclusive Excellence and The DEI Advisory Council. All projects, however, must be completed within the academic year for which it was awarded. 

Projects will be featured on the DEI website and other college-wide communication efforts. Project leads are required to understand and follow all FSC and New York State procurement policies and procedures.  The Office of DEIE can provide assistance in these matters, but project leads are responsible for managing budgets and submitting proper paperwork. A letter of support from the applicant's supervisor is required to ensure the supervisor is aware of the project and supports the applicant in dedicating time and effort towards the project's completion.

The DEI Innovation Grant Program is presented by the Office of DEI and will be evaluated by a review committee that includes representatives from the DEI Advisory Council and the Office of Diversity, Equity, Inclusive Excellence, and when appropriate, additional representatives from the FSC community.


Ongoing, however, projects must be completed and evaluated within the academic year it was awarded. 

Please Note:  The Application Form will Re-Open in Fall 2024 depending on approval of funding.  Funding is limited, therefore we suggest applying within the start of the Fall semester. 

Application Contents

A completed application will require the following elements. Please note that letter(s) of support from faculty or staff member's supervisor(s) will need to be submitted with the application. All applications must be submitted to the Office of Diversity Equity, and Inclusive Excellence. 

Please Apply

  • Project Title
  • Name, title, email, campus affiliation, department affiliation of award applicants
  • Description of the project
  • Rationale for the project
  • Letter(s) of support from the faculty and /or staff member's supervisor(s)
  • Budget proposal
  • Timeline of activities/project management plan
  • Explanation of how the project will be assessed for DEI impact Evaluation


Applications will be evaluated based on the following rubric:

  1. Description of the project - 5 points
  2. Rationale for the project - 5 points
  3. Budget - 5 points
  4. Timeline - 5 points
  5. Discussion of Assessment - 5 points

TOTAL = 25 points

For additional information, email Email, Vice President for Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence and CDO.