
Nursing Advisory Board


To inform educators regarding current developments and trends in local business and industry.  Effective communication between education and industry has proven extremely important to ensure the continuance of state of the art programs.  

Advisory Board Appointment and Reappointment

The President of the College appoints and reappoints members to the Advisory Board.  The nursing department initiates nominations for membership and appropriate documentation is forwarded to the Dean and the Provost for recommendation to the President of the College.  The President authorizes approval and extends the official invitation to serve as a member of the Advisory Board.


The department Chair will arrange meetings at the convenience of committee members and department faculty.  The department Chair will provide an agenda, along with materials required for the meeting.  One meeting will be scheduled each semester with additional meetings as required.

Role of the Advisory Board

The role of this committee is purely advisory; it is not administrative nor will it establish College policy.  Areas in which the Advisory Board may assist the department in program planning include:

Community Surveys

  • The greatest demand within the occupation
  • Employment within the occupation for which training is needed
  • The need for supplemental upgrading/training for individuals already employed within the occupation
  • The employment demand for graduates of the specific program in the region and the State
  • New areas for which programs should be developed

Equipment and Facilities

  • Survey equipment currently in use by industry
  • Seek equipment donations

Student Placement

  • Notify the department Chair or the College placement office of job openings
  • Employ graduates and work study students where practical and/or possible

Public Relations

  • Develop community awareness of the College, its facilities and its equipment
  • Suggest ways to promote the College through speaking engagements, newspaper, the internet, radio, television, and other media
  • Assist in the establishment of awards programs for outstanding students
  • Provide information to special populations in the local community, such as the disadvantaged, disabled, and minorities

Current Board Members

Name   Affiliation
Ms. Christine Campanello, MS, NP   Nurse Practitioner in Hospitalist Group at Northwell Health - Huntington Hospital
Ms. Melinda Anne Constantine, MSN, RN, CMSRN, ONC   Director of Professional Development at St. Charles Hospital & St. Catherine of Siena Hospital
Ms. Patricia Marie Farrell, MSN, MBA,RN-BC, NE-BC   Vice President Operations, Integrated Operations, Northwell Health
Ms. Patricia Hogan, RN, MA, NEA-BC   Director, Program Evaluation, Krasnoff Quality Management Institute, North Shore/LIJ Health System Appraiser, ANCC                                                                
Dr. Eileen Magri, PhD, RN, NEA   Senior Director of Nursing, NYU Langone
Ms. Colette Marran, MSNEd, RN   Director of Clinical Education, Coordinator of the Accredited Vizient/AACN Entry to Practice Nurse Registry
Ms. Suzanne McDaniels, BSN, RN, PCCN   Nurse Manager of Critical Care, St. Joseph's Hospital
Ms. Barbara McKenna, MSN, RN-BC   Clinical Professional Development Educator of Northwell Health and President Elect for the Nassau/Suffolk Coordinating Council
Ms. Robin E. Moulder, RN, MBA, CPHQ   Manager, Division of Quality & Safety Division at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
The Honorable Maureen O'Connell, RN,    Nassau County Clerk
Ms. Maureen G. Powers, MSN, RN, CCRN-K   Nurse educator onboarding newly hired RNs, clinical placement coordinator, critical care educator at St. Francis Hospital
Ms. Valerie Terzano, PhD Candidate, RN, NEA-BC  

Senior Vice President for Nursing, CNO, NYU Langone