
Campus Unrest Container List

Record Group (RG) 1: Historical Manuscripts

Series: Papers of the President

Subseries: Laffin

Former Box 13: In process

Farmingdale specific bomb scares and threats
Farmingdale specific Control of campus disorders
SUNY (including 51³Ô¹Ï) Archival Material, SUNY, Control of campus disorders

Record Group (RG) 2: College Publications

Series: Policies

Folder: Farmingdale specific bomb scares and threats

SUNY (including 51³Ô¹Ï) Archival Material, SUNY bomb scares and threats
Farmingdale specific Control of campus disorders
SUNY (including 51³Ô¹Ï) Archival Material, SUNY Control of campus disorders

Box 1

Folder: Cabinet Documents, 1970-1971

Laffin to VP Willenbrock - Regarding Inter-dormitory council alcoholic beverages
Cabinet minutes, II bomb scare procedures
Cabinet Materials, 1971-1973
Course of action for Bomb scares'
SUNY maintenance of public order

Series: College Handbooks

Box 23: Late 1950s-1969

Folder: College Handbooks 1969

Item: p. XXI-1-5 (valid July 1969- at least '73, no changes)
*Rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order on college property of the State University Agricultural and technical college Farmingdale, NY July 1969, didn't appear until 1969 in college handbooks

Series: Newsletters

Newsletter 1968-1969

Folder: 1968

Item: Newsletter 02/07/1968 p. 1 "On campus regulations governing student conduct" regarding student involvement in illegal activity on Stony Brook campus
Newsletter 1969-1973

Folder: 1969

Item: Newsletter 06/04/1969 p. 3 State legislature passes campus disruption bills

Folder: 1970

Item: Newsletter 01/28/1971 p. 1 "Afro-American and Puerto Rican" students confrontation negotiation of demands

Series: Student Handbooks

Subseries: Student handbooks 1965-1974

Folder: 1965-1970

Item: 1967-1968 p. 19 conduct of students (virtually same through 1970)

Folder: 1971-1974

Item: 1971-1972 p. 22-23 conduct of students & new inclusion of student disciplinary procedures

Series: Rambler Digital Copies

Subseries: 1969

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1969-10-31

Item: p. 007 "Fall Offensive Strike Proposed"

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1969-12-09

Item: p. 002 "Editorial Afro-Blockad[e]"
p. 003 "Administration States Views on Demands"
p. 005 "Afro-Society - right or wrong"
p. 006 "SFUPER"

Subseries: 1970

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1970-02-16

Item: p. 002 "In Answer To Emile Tatum"
p. 004 "Let Life Be Gay President Laffin"
p. 006 "Fed up With the System"
p. 012 "It's Beginning to Look a lot [sic] Like College"

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1970-04-16

Item: p. 003 "Farmingdale's Protest on Pollution"
p. 005 "It's Not A Garbage Can"

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1970-05-01

Item: p. 003 "It's Not What We Are, It's What We Do"
p. 006 "SFUPER sends 19 proposals to administration"

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1970-11-03

Item: p. 004 "Campus Unrest"
p. 006 "The President's Commission on Campus Unrest"

Subseries: 1971

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1971-03-04

Item: p. 015 "An Open Letter to Pres. Laffin"

Subseries: 1972

Digital Folder: The-Rambler_1972-03-23

Item: p. 007 "Critical Eye Cast at SUNY's Budget. State Legislators Speak"

Box: Campus Unrest

Title: "51³Ô¹Ï-specific documents"

Item: Copy of the "Rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order on college property of the State University Agricultural and technical college Farmingdale, NY July 1969" seen in the college handbook from 1969
Item: memo and draft of proposed revisions to the Faculty Handbook section pertaining to Rules and regulations for the maintenance of public order, 08/04/1970

Title: "SUNY documents"

Item: "The freedom and the responsibility of the university" a statement by Samuel B. Gould Chancellor, SUNY to the Joint Legislative Committee on Higher Education of the State of New York, 02/29/1968
Minutes of SUNY special meeting of board of trustees of SUNY regarding Student Discipline 04/09/1970
"Anarchy in the Academy," second report of the temporary commission to study the causes of campus unrest 03/01/1971
"Academy or battleground," third report of the temporary commission to study the causes of campus unrest 1972

Record Group (RG) 3 – Yearbooks

Yearbook: The Islander, 1970

p. 96, 113, 140

Yearbook: The Islander, 1971

p. 18-21, 33 (original photo from RG5, series: student life, folder: early 1970s), 61, 88-89, 107

Thomas D. Greenley Library

Greenley Library

Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184


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