Poster Printing Services
The Greenley Library offers poster printing services for Farmingdale students, faculty, and staff. Large format printing is available for academic-related posters only.
Turnaround time
Posters should be submitted ONE WEEK before they are needed. We cannot guarantee print requests can be filled with shorter notice.
Poster submissions
- Posters must be submitted as a PDF sized to the desired poster size, e.g. 24 x 36
- Poster files that do not match the size noted on the request form will not be accepted
- Include your last name in the poster file name
Student Price
Faculty/Staff Price
24" x 36"
36" x 42"
36" x 48"
Other sizes: By request
You will be emailed an invoice for payment once your poster is printed.
Online payment:
- P-Card, Credit, Debit
- Display your printed receipt at the Circulation Desk to show proof of payment upon pickup
In-person payment:
- Cash, Check
- Pay for your poster at the Circulation Desk upon pickup
Submit a Poster Request
Farmingdale-branded academic poster templates created by the Office for Marketing & Communications are available below. The templates are PowerPoint files which may be edited and saved as a PDF.
24" x 36" Templates
Landscape Orientation | Portrait Orientation |
36" x 42" Templates
Landscape Orientation | Portrait Orientation |
36" x 48" Templates
Landscape Orientation | Portrait Orientation |
48" x 36" Trifold Poster Board Templates:
Creating your own poster design
Blank PowerPoint files are available below:
24" x 36" | 36" x 42" | 36" x 48" |
Follow the below steps to manually change the slide size in PowerPoint:
Navigate to:
- Design menu
- Slide Size
- Custom Slide Size
- Change width and height to desired poster dimensions
Posters must be created as ONE slide. A PowerPoint slideshow with multiple slides will not be printed.
Poster Content
Goals of a research poster
- Summarize research in an engaging visual format
- Highlight the main points and most significant findings of the research
- Generate audience interest to engage in a discussion
Poster design
- Group together related information and organize into sections
- Content should be displayed from top left to bottom right
- Use images to convey information
- Limit words, be concise
- Utilize white space between sections for an uncluttered design
- Maintain contrast between background and text colors
Farmingdale colors and logos
Find official FSC logos and colors from the Office for Marketing & Communications
Font size estimates
Title: 85-120 pt.
Authors: ~56 pt.
Sub-headings: 36-72 pt.
Body text: 24-48 pt.
Captions: ~18 pt.
Font size legibility by distance
72 pt. font - legible 14 feet from poster
60 pt. font - legible 12 feet from poster
48 pt. font - legible 10 feet from poster
30 pt. font - legible 6 feet from poster
Additional sources for color selection
- Recommended resolution for posters: 150-300 DPI (Dots Per Inch)
- Enlarging images in PowerPoint will lessen their quality
- Zoom to 100% in PowerPoint to check image quality and signs of pixilation
- Images will print how they appear in a 100% zoom view in PowerPoint
Phone: 934-420-2184
Consultations are available by appointment.
Thomas D. Greenley Library
Greenley Library
Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184
Mon-Thurs | 7:45am - 11:00pm |
Friday | 7:45am - 5:00pm |
Saturday | 9:00am - 5:00pm |
Sunday | 1:00pm - 9:00pm |