
Staff Directory & Services




Acquisitions orders monographs and other materials for the Library which support the curriculum at Farmingdale State. The Acquisitions librarian works with faculty from the various academic departments to meet the information requirements of individual courses. You can submit book requests to Fatoma Rad at Fatoma Rad

Circulation Desk

Loans: Your current Farmingdale College ID card is also your library card and is required for all circulation transactions, except in-house use of reserve items. Books may be borrowed or reserve items signed out by current students, staff or faculty at the circulation desk. See below for the library's reserve textbook policy. Students may check out up to ten books at a time for 16 weeks. Faculty and staff may check out up to 25 books at a time for 16 weeks. Books may be renewed unless another user has placed a hold on the item. All student book loans are due no later than the last day of classes for the current semester or summer session.

Late fines: Late fines apply to all patrons, and accumulate at the rate of 10¢ per day per book. Fines for late return of reserve materials, including textbooks, accrue at the rate of $1.00 per hour or part thereof (see below). Holds will be placed on the records of students holding overdue library items at the end of each semester. Holds will also be placed for any student owing $10.00 or more in late fines or lost book charges at the end of the semester. Library holds block access to the OASIS system.

Lost book charges: The charge for a lost book will be the replacement price of the book plus a $10.00 processing fee. Replacement price is determined by the library.

College Archives

The 51³Ô¹Ï Archives is located in the library. Visit our website to view photographic exhibits of the college's history or to see a list of the types of materials we have in the archives.

Electronic Resources/Serials

Electronic Resources/Serials is responsible for acquiring, maintaining, and providing access to online materials, including research databases, online journals, and access to eBooks. The department also receives and process print journals and newspapers

Information Literacy

The Greenley Library offers information literacy instruction tailored to specific courses. The program is designed to help students learn to distinguish among various sources, determine if a source is appropriate for a given assignment and design effective research strategies. By integrating instruction within a class, we can insure that students' immediate academic needs are met while teaching them online research skills that are applicable across disciplines. For more information contact Theresa Zahor at Theresa Zahor. All classes are held in our Information Literacy Lab, Room 105 in Greenley Hall.

Interlibrary Loan

If Greenley Library does not have the book or article you need, you can ask a Librarian to Interlibrary Loan the material for you or create your account using ILLIAD. If may take up to three weeks for the Library to obtain print material from another library, so be sure to start your research early.


Photocopy machines are located on the main and upper floors (main floor only at this time). Copies cost ten cents per page. Copier machines will accept coins and bills.


Printing in the Library is available to currently registered students and active staff/faculty. Please see our Printing Policies for information on the quota and purchase prices.

Poster Printing

Greenley Library manages a Poster Printing Lab where students and staff/faculty can have academic posters printed. See our Poster Printing Policies for prices and submission guidelines.


The Reference desk is located on the main floor of the Library, to the left as you enter. The Reference Librarians will provide one-on-one consultations to assist you in the research process by focusing your search and directing you to the appropriate resources. For more information contact Theresa Zahor at Theresa Zahor


The Reserve area contains materials such as books and articles that have been set aside by a faculty member or Librarian. Reserves also includes the Library's collection of over 1,000 videos. If you would like to use anything that is on Reserve, or see a list of materials on reserve for a particular class, please go to the Circulation Desk or the Reference Desk. You can also search our catalog for reserve materials by title. Almost all reserve items are now textbooks, very few articles, etc.

Textbook Repository

The Student Textbook Repository is located at the Circulation desk in the library. Greenley Library is happy to provide access to many of the most expensive textbooks required for the current semester. Reserve Textbook Use Policies


Thomas D. Greenley Library

Greenley Library

Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184


Mon-Thurs 7:45am - 11:00pm
Friday 7:45am - 5:00pm
Saturday 9:00am - 5:00pm
Sunday 1:00pm - 9:00pm

For Holidays, Breaks, See Special Hours