
WWI Finding Aid

Record Group 1 (RG1): Historical Manuscripts

Box 15: Miscellaneous

Folder: Memorial Oak, 1921-1956

a. The Memorial Oak [missing Furrow August 1921 article]Items:
b. Letter from Halsey B. Knapp, April 12, 1956 

Folder: Russian Rifle Freight Bill, Sept 19, 1921

a. Agent's Memo Freight Bill, September 19, 1921
b. Note about freight bill, April 28, 1955

Record Group 2 (RG2): College Publications

Box [not numbered]: Student Publications – Furrow: 1916 – 1921

Folder: Student Newspapers, 1917

a. The Furrow, June 1917 (p. 3) [Military Training- make it part of course work]
b. The Furrow, July 1917 (p. 7) [Voice of the Patriot- War-related dear editor poem]
c. The Furrow, July 1917 (p. 11) [Military Musings]
d. The Furrow, November 1917 (p.1) [Join the Red Cross Ad]
e. The Furrow, November 1917 (p.2) [Editorial- The Soldier Comes to Stay]
f] The Furrow, November 1917 (p. 7) [war-related poems]
g. The Furrow, November 1917 (p. 11) [To-day: war-related story]
h. The Furrow, November 1917 (p. 13) [list of students in service]
[. The Furrow, November 1917 (p. 20) [War Savings Stamps ad]

Folder: Student Newspapers, 1918

a. The Furrow, January 1918 (p. 14) [Stretching a Potato Field to Meet War Time Needs]
b. The Furrow, Feb.-Mar. 1918 (p. 3) [Heroes]
c. The Furrow, Feb.-Mar. 1918 (pp. 13-15) [war poems]
d. The Furrow, May 1918 (p. 11) [Red Cross Dance, Red Cross Drive]
e. The Furrow, May 1918 (p. 16) [The Art of Patriotism]
f. The Furrow, May 1918 (p. 17) [A Tribute- Jack Bamforth]
g. The Furrow, June 1918 (p. 2) [A Question of Patriotism – editorial]
h. The Furrow, June 1918 (p. 10) [W.S.S. Drive Ends]
i. The Furrow, June 1918 (p. 12) [Why I Am Proud to Salute]
j. The Furrow, July 1918 (p. 4) [After the War]
k. The Furrow, July 1918 (p. 18) [Keep the Schools Going]
l. The Furrow, July 1918 (p. 19) [war poem]
m. The Furrow, August 1918 (p. 8) [Getting Around the Sugar Shortage]
n. The Furrow, August 1918 (p. 13) [New Bulletins]
o. The Furrow, August 1918 (p. 20) [Use of Horses for Food]
p. The Furrow, September 1918 (p. 3) [After the War]
q. The Furrow, September 1918 (p. 4) [Our Service List]
r. The Furrow, September 1918 (p. 11) [The Fourth Liberty Loan Drive – start date]
s. The Furrow, October 1918 (p. 16) [Fourth Liberty Loan – progress]
t. The Furrow, November 1918 (p. 4) [Somewhere in France- William Harris letter]
u. The Furrow, November 1918 (p. 4) [Re-education of Soldiers]
v. The Furrow, November 1918 (p. 6) [A Letter from the Front- Nelson]
w. The Furrow, November 1918 (p. 12) [Soldiers of Nyssa]

Folder: Student Newspapers, 1919

a. The Furrow, January 1919 (p. 3) [For Services Rendered]
b. The Furrow, January 1919 (p. 4) [In War Time- Richard Ferris]

Folder: 1921

a. The Furrow, August 1921 (p. 15) [World War Memorial Oak – MISSING PAGE – TRANSCRIPTION IN HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS: MEMORIAL OAK]
b. The Furrow, September 1921 (p. 8) [To Every Dead Soldier's Mother]

Box [not numbered]: College Publications – Student Handbooks: 1925 – 1964

Folder: Student Handbooks, 1925-1953

a. N.Y.S.I.A. Freshman Manual, 1933-1934 (p. 23) [Reference to Memorial Oak]

Box 9: College Publications – College Catalogs: 1916-1932

Folder: College Catalogs, 1921-1925

a. Catalogue, 1921-1922 (p. 5) [Farmingdale's Memorial Oak- about the tree & ceremony]

Record Group 3 (RG3): Year Books

Box [not numbered]: Year Books: 1919-1920

Folder: The NYSSA, 1919

a. The NYSSA: 1919 (p. 45) [The N.Y.S.S.A. Cadet Corps- mentions students joining the war]
b. The NYSSA: 1919 (p. 48) [Our Boys in the Service- An Honor to Our School: list of served]
c. The NYSSA: 1919 (p. 49) [Jack Bamforth Memoriam: names of 4 other fallen]
d. The NYSSA: 1919 (p. 40) [James Bamforth is pictured, but not labeled]

Record Group 5 (RG5): Images – Photographs

Box 5E3: Social Events

Folder: Memorial Oak Planting

a. Photograph: Oak Planting Ceremony, Oak & Man
b. Photograph: Soil from all US States and Allied Powers
c. Photograph: Distance photograph of Oak Planting Ceremony

Thomas D. Greenley Library

Greenley Library

Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184


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