
Greenley Library FAQ

Come On In!

When are you open?

Greenley Library is OPEN 7 days a week when classes are in session.  See our hours on the Library homepage. 

Are there computers in the Library?

Yes! Greenley has 36 desktops and 10 laptops available for student use.   

Can I study in the Library?

Yes! Greenley Library has lots of great spaces for studying, including group tables and booths, individual cubicles, and comfy chairs.

Can I take an online class from in the Library?

Yes! Greenley is one of the many places where you can access wifi in a comfortable environment. Be sure to bring headphones. 

Can I study with a group?

Yes, Greenley has lots of group seating options. We do not reserve spaces in advance.

Can I eat in the Library?

Yes. We allow food to be consumed in the library as long as all traces are cleaned up before leaving. Please do not eat or drink while sitting at computers. 

Getting Help

Can I talk to a Librarian in person?

Yes! Any hour we are open someone will be available to help you. You can also take advantage of our reference services via email/phone.

Can I still get help without coming in?

Yes! You can email reference@farmingdale.edu, or click on the right.  If we can't help you through email, we will schedule an appointment for a phone or video call.

Library Books & Textbooks

How can I access library books, including the Library's Reserve Textbooks?

Greenley Library has a wide variety of required textbooks that you can use in the Library for 2 hours at a time. Please check with us in advance to find out if we have the book you are interested in borrowing--you can email us at reference@farmingdale.edu.  

Greenley's circulating collection is available on the lower level. Books are usually due back after 16 weeks, or by the end of the semester, whichever comes first. To search for books, go to our or contact a Librarian.

Interlibrary Loan

Can I request Interlibrary Loans (ILL)?

Yes, we take requests for Interlibrary Loans of both articles and books. Please log into ILLiad.

Still could use some help? Email us and we will get back to you shortly.