Printing Services
Poster Printing
Greenley Library provides large format Poster Printing with separate fees and policies.
For Web Print and to Check Your Balance go to:
All students will be given a print quota each semester. When this quota has been exhausted additional credits may be purchased.
Allocation by semester*
Registered students will receive a $50.00 allocation each Fall and Spring. Allocation for January and Summer are $25.00.
- Black and White Prints: .10 per sheet, whether single or double-sided. If you only print in black and white, this equals 500 sheets per semester, double-sided.
- Color Prints: .50 per side.
To Purchase Extra Print Credits if Quota is Exceeded*
To buy additional print credits once your initial allocation is exceeded, you can either:
- Go to the Greenley Library circulation desk to pay using cash. Buy prints online using a credit or debit card at:
- Click on Add Credit.
- You may add the following increments online: $2, $5, $10, $15, $20.
- For other increments go to the Greenley Library circulation desk.
- To print a 20 page article double-sided, you will need 10 sheets of b/w, which costs $1.00.
- To print 100 single-sided sheets of b/w printing costs $10.00.
- To print 5 color pages you will need 5 sheets for $2.50.
*Allocated and Purchased points are non-refundable, so only add funds that you need. Funds will roll over from the Fall to Spring semesters, but not from one academic year to the next. All accounts are reset to $50 point allocation at the beginning of Fall semester.
Printing Policy for Guests in Greenley Library
Guests may be logged in at student computers, as space allows, after showing photo ID at the Reference Desk. Guests will NOT be permitted to print on any student computers. If a guest needs to print a small number of pages related to admissions, enrollment, registration, financial aid, or other college-related business, they may ask a Reference Librarian to print for them as a courtesy.
Thomas D. Greenley Library
Greenley Library
Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184
Mon-Thurs | 7:45am - 11:00pm |
Friday | 7:45am - 5:00pm |
Saturday | 9:00am - 5:00pm |
Sunday | 1:00pm - 9:00pm |