Primary Sources
What are primary sources?
PrimarySources |
Original materials that provide direct evidence or firsthand information about a topic, event, person, or time period. Created at the time of the event, or by individuals who experienced or witnessed the subject being studied. ExamplesText-based sources:
Visual sources:
Audio sources:
Physical objects:
Interpretations, analyses, or summaries of primary sources. Provide an understanding or argument about a topic using primary sources. ExamplesTextbooks Biographies Encyclopedias and dictionaries Literature reviews Documentaries Commentaries and opinions Literary criticism Critical analysis in art and music Policy Papers and Reports |
Determining whether a source is primary or secondary depends on the subject being studied. For example, consider: Did the creator of the material experience or witness the event being studied? During what time period was the material created?
More information on primary sources can be found through the following:
Find primary sources online and through library databases:
Below is a select list of resources which include a range of digitized primary sources, such as government documents, books, prints, photographs, maps, manuscripts, ephemera, videos, webpages and more.
Library of Congress |
National Archives and Records Administration
Smithsonian |
Lists of additional online primary sources:
Newspapers could be considered to be either primary or secondary sources depending on the topic at hand. When reporting on events or issues as they happen in real-time, newspapers serve as primary sources. For example, a newspaper from April 16, 1912 could be considered a primary source on the subject of the Titanic.
Newspapers would be considered secondary sources when they analyze events that occurred in the past.
Greenley Library Newspaper Research Guide |
List of Greenley Library books that contain primary sources. This list is not exhaustive; you may search for additional primary sources in the catalog. |
Locating primary sources |
Catalog search Tips:
Locating books in the public domain
The below websites provide access to public domain books and book-like materials (magazines, newspapers, sheet music, journals, government documents) across many subjects.
Public domain:
More details on U.S. copyright:
Citing primary sources
Chicago Citation Style
MLA Citation Style
- Greenley Library videos:
Greenley Library video: (for MLA and Chicago author-date citation styles)
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Greenley Library
Circulation: 934-420-2183
Reference: 934-420-2184
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