Departments of Academic Affairs
Academic Schools
- School of Arts & Sciences
- School of Business
- School of Engineering Technology
- Theresa Santmann School of Health Sciences
Academic Support Services & Offices
- Academic Advising & Information Center (AAIC)
- Center for Academic Success & Tutoring
- Distance Learning
- Honors Program
- Institutional Research and Effectiveness
- International Education and Programs
- Library/Information Resources
- Math Center
- Nexus Center for Applied Learning & Career Dev
- Office of Community and Civic Engagement
- Registrar
- Research Aligned Mentor (RAM) Program
- The Faculty Center
- University in the High School
- Writing Center
Academic Support and Access Programs
- CSTEP Programs
- Educational Opportunity Program (EOP)
- Liberty Partnership Program
- P-Tech
- STEP Program
- Smart Scholars
Office of the Provost
Horton Hall, Room 230
Dr. Laura Joseph
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs & Provost
Dr. Christopher Malone
Associate Provost
Dr. Christopher LaBarbera
Assistant Provost
Dr. Charles Adair
Special Advisor to the Provost
Christine Harrigan
Executive Assistant to the Provost
Holly Gordon
Admin. Assistant to the Provost
Loretta Costello
Admin. Assistant to the Executive Assistant to the Provost
Amanda Gist
Admin. Assistant to the Associate Provost and Assistant Provost