
Club / Organization Recognition & Re-Registration

Club/ Organization Re-registration 

Each semester, existing student clubs/organizations go through their re-registration process. This allows the student officers to update their RamCentral portal and make any changes to their executive board. This process is only open to clubs and organizations who have been active at some point in the last three semesters. ) If a previously active organization has been dormant for more than three semesters consecutively, they must go through the New Club/ Organization Registration process.)   
If you are an existing student club/organization president/primary contact, please follow the following steps to re-register your organization: 
 Fall Semester re-registration will be open from June 1 to the first Friday in October.  
 Spring Semester re-registration will be open from December 1 to the first Friday in March. 

  • Submit a Registration Form (portal renewal) in RamCentral. 
  • Ensure that all Core 4 officers complete the following training requirements: 
    • Submit the Executive Board / RamCentral Training form 
    • Attend one Sexual Assault Prevention Training 
    • Accept their positions Terms and Conditions 

*All officers must be in good standing with the college.  

These organizations are open to all students at 51勛圖 at all times, allowing full participation in ALL events and activities.

Proposing a new Club/ Organization 
The Office of Student Activities encourages students to start a new club or organization.涉 proposed club/ organization should support the colleges mission, enhance students experiences on campus, and not duplicate the services or purposes provided by an existing student club or organization. Only current FSC students can complete this process.  
Fall Semester proposals will be accepted from April 1 - May 1. 
Spring Semester proposals will be accepted from November 1 - December 1. 
Complete the following steps in RamCentral to have your proposed club/ organization reviewed for the upcoming semester.  The linked documents are merely to provide an understanding of the process.  All information will eventually be submitted electronically in RamCentral.  

  • Complete the Executive Board Data Sheet - Submit the names, FSC emails, and RAM ID#s of the Core 4 Executive Board Officers President, Vice President, Treasurer, and Secretary.   
    • You may opt for co-positions such as co-presidents, co-vice presidents, etc.  You can have a maximum of 8 officers.  
    • Proposed officers must be registered for classes in the semester that you are submitting this proposal for and must be in good academic and disciplinary standing.   
    • If a proposed officer is ineligible to serve on your Executive Board, the Office of Student Activities can only contact that individual about their status.   
  • Complete the Proposed Roster - Submit a roster of a minimum of ten (10) current students along with their full name, FSC email address, and RAM ID#.   
  • Complete the Constitution The Constitution will specifically state the purpose and mission of your club/organization.  
  • OPTIONAL Submit the name(s) of your club/organizations primary advisor(s). 
    •  Any faculty or staff member of the college can serve as a primary advisor. 
    • You can have a maximum of three (3) primary advisors. 
    • The advisor(s) must have some knowledge or experience with the mission or purpose of your club/ organization. 
    • The OSA does not require clubs/ organizations to have a primary advisor.  

If your proposed club/organization is approved, the proposed executive board will be contacted by the OSA staff with next steps in the process.  

office of student activities

Quintyne Hall, Room 111
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm


Lukas Miedreich
Director of Student Activities


Tre Riggins
Coordinator of Office Operations


Amanda Cataldo
Assistant Director of Student Activities


Nick Hawley
Coordinator of Student Activities


Debra Ciancio
SGA Accountant


Caitlyn Urban
Coordinator of Programming & Organizations


William Finnegan
Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life & Operations


Robert Jacobsen
Accounting Assistant-SGA