
Getting Involved

Participating in student events is an important part of the college experience.   Student events and programming are offered by the Office of Student Activities, the Student Government Association, student organizations, and other campus departments, many of which are funded/supported by the Mandatory Student Activity Fee.  Your level of involvement is completely up to you! You can choose to attend a few student events or even take on an executive board role in one of our recognized student clubs/ organizations. There is no limit to the number of clubs or organizations you can participate in.  
Connecting to student events and student organizations is easy and can be done through RamCentral.  RamCentral is a student engagement software that connects every FSC student to our student organizations and organization leaders. As a student, you can find and RSVP to events, connect with a particular organization/organization officer, communicate with other students, and apply for jobs with the Office of Student Activities.

There are a wide array of event category tags and themes that can be used to filter your search results including: 

These activities are open to all students at 51³Ô¹Ï at all times, allowing full participation in ALL events and activities.


Recently Active Clubs / Organizations

Here is a list of some of the most recently active student clubs / organizations. Please keep in mind that student organizations are entirely initiated and run by the student members and, therefore, sometimes become inactive over the course of a semester or academic year. For an up-to-date listing, please check RamCentral.

These organizations are open to all students at 51³Ô¹Ï at all times, allowing full participation in ALL events and activities.

* indicates new for Fall 2024, ** indicates new for Spring 2025

office of student activities

Quintyne Hall, Room 111
Monday-Friday 8:30am-5:30pm


Lukas Miedreich
Director of Student Activities


Tre Riggins
Coordinator of Office Operations


Amanda Cataldo
Assistant Director of Student Activities


Nick Hawley
Coordinator of Student Activities


Debra Ciancio
SGA Accountant


Caitlyn Urban
Coordinator of Programming & Organizations


William Finnegan
Coordinator of Fraternity/Sorority Life & Operations


Robert Jacobsen
Accounting Assistant-SGA