
Clery Act Reporting


Emergency Situations

If the information you wish to report represents a serious or continuing threat, a significant emergency, or a dangerous situation, contact University Police immediately at (934) 420-2111. 

The Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act, named after a Lehigh University student who tragically lost her life to an act of on-campus violence, is a federal statute that requires colleges and universities across the United States to disclose information about crime and other safety statistics on and around their campuses. The Clery Act requires that each institution of higher education collect, maintain, and make available to prospective and current students and employees the following:

  • Annual Report
  • Crime and Fire Safety Statistics
  • Access to Timely Information
  • Fire Safety Information

Campus Security Authorities (CSA): Campus officials that have a Duty to Report crimes. These are individuals who are required to report Clery-related information in a timely fashion, such as Deans, Directors, Department Heads, or Coaches. CSA's also have an obligation to assist victims by providing information about available support services, coordinate accommodations on the part of the College, or assist in contacting law enforcement. 

Some examples of individuals who would NOT be considered a CSA are:

  • Individual faculty who do not advise student groups
  • Individual campus health physicians 
  • Clerical and support staff
  • Para-professional student staff
  • Licensed mental health professionals or pastoral counselors working within the scope of their license or religious assignment

Clery Offenses

Clery Offenses are types of behavior or criminal activity that are recorded in each Annual Report and are broken up into specific categories:

  • Murder
  • Manslaughter
  • Robbery
  • Burglary
  • Assault
  • Arson
  • Motor Vehicle Theft
  • Forcible Sex Offenses
  • Non-forcible Sex Offenses
  • Dating Violence
  • Domestic Violence
  • Stalking
  • Hate Crimes

Clery Geography

Clery Geography refers to relevant location information related to a Clery Offense that must be denoted. These include:

  • On Campus
  • On Campus within the residence halls
  • On public property adjacent to campus
  • On affiliated/non-campus property owned or controlled by the College or a recognized student group

If the information represents a serious or continuing threat, a significant emergency, or a dangerous situation, contact University Police immediately at (934) 420-2111. 

All allegations of Clery Offenses must be reported as soon as possible, and may be reported by either the victim or a CSA. Although there are some factors that will influence the manner of reporting, in each instance a CSA must ensure a report has been made:

If the Reporter does want to file a report with University Police:

  • A CSA must assist the victim or witness with making the report. Reports to University Police may be completed in-person or anonymously utilizing this The victim's identification may be withheld at their request. 

If the Reporter does not want to file a report with University Police:

  • A CSA must utilize a separate reportingto report the incident and fulfill their obligation. 

Note, the must be used to document travel for Clery Act reporting requirements. All travel involving students staying overnight must be documented whenever they stay in a particular location for 7 or more days or they travel to and stay in the same location (e.g. in a hotel or other lodging facility) routinely (more than one time) regardless of the duration of the stay - even if it is only one night. 

For more information about the Clery Act, the responsibilities of Campus Security Authorities, or proper reporting procedures, please utilize this presentation created by University Police.