

What is Hazing?

Hazing is any action taken, or situation created, involving prospective or new members of a group, or as a condition of continued membership in a group (fraternity, sorority, team, club, or other association or organization), that would be perceived by a reasonable person as likely to produce mental or physical harm, extreme or unusual stress, embarrassment, harassment, or ridicule.  

FSC's policy on hazing is housed within its Student Code of Conduct, the controlling document for all campus judicial matters. No policy can be so precisely written as to address all possible situations. When this policy does not address a specific behavior, students, organizations, teams, and groups are expected to conduct themselves and their activities in the spirit of this policy and with respect for the dignity and well-being of others. The definition of hazing applies whether or not the participants consent to such activity or perceive the behavior as voluntary. The determination of whether a particular activity constitutes hazing will depend upon the circumstances and context in which the activity is occurring. As a guiding principle, any activity required of new members that is not required of more senior members is likely to constitute hazing under this policy. Some examples of conduct that may constitute hazing when used to mistreat or humiliate the participant include the following: 

  • Consumption of alcohol and/or drugs 
  • Inflicting physical harm 
  • Creating excessive fatigue 
  • Degrading or humiliating games or activities 
  • Forced or excessive participation in physical activities 
  • Psychological shock or abuse 
  • Engaging in public stunts or buffoonery 
  • Inappropriate scavenger hunts or road trips 
  • Wearing of apparel or items likely to subject the wearer to embarrassment or ridicule 
  • Activities that would unreasonably interfere with a student’s other activities or obligations (academic, extracurricular, religious, family, etc.) 
  • Activities that violate College policy, federal, state, or local law 
  • Any other activity devoid of legitimate educational value that subjects participants to humiliation 

Reporting Procedures

The importance of reporting hazing at 51³Ô¹Ï cannot be overstated. By making a report, students can help ensure that their campus community remains a safe and inclusive environment for everyone. Reporting also allows the College to take the necessary actions to address the issue – possibly saving a life in the process -- and prevent the abuse from occurring again.

If you witness hazing in progress within the FSC campus community, it's important to take immediate action by contacting the University Police Department at (934) 420-2111.

Anyone with information about hazing activities should file a report utilizing the College’s

Retaliation against a person who files a report, serves as a witness, or assists or participates in any manner in this procedure, is unlawful and strictly prohibited by the College.