
Students of Concern Committee

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The mission of the Students of Concern Committee (SCC) is to promote the safety and well-being of the 51³Ô¹Ï community. The team provides an institutional framework for information sharing and the development of support plans for students of concern.

Through a proactive, multi-disciplinary, collaborative approach, potential student behaviors of concern will be identified and communicated through education/training of faculty, staff, and administrators, so they can identify and communicate potential concerns to the proper resources promptly.


The SCC is a multi-disciplinary team focused on early intervention for any student who has raised concerns and may be at risk of harming either themselves or others, or who poses a significant disruption to the living, learning, or work environment of the College. The team receives and reviews reports of threats and other concerning student behavior to develop a support plan that mitigates risk and promotes student well-being and success within existing College policies. The SCC is not meant to take the place of standard classroom management techniques utilized by faculty. Implementation of this team does not alter any existing discipline policies. Rather, the SCC centralizes the reporting of concerning student behavior, publicizes current policy, and encourages early intervention.


The following behaviors can all be important and critical signs of distress. As a member of the FSC community, you may notice a student exhibiting one or more of the academic, physical, or emotional signs and decide that something is clearly wrong:

  • Student that is constantly falling asleep in class
  • A dramatic change in energy level (high or low)
  • Deterioration in personal hygiene or physical appearance
  • Frequent state of alcohol intoxication or substance abuse
  • Potential self-harm: noticeable cuts, bruises or burns on a student
  • Repeated absences from class, work study, or normal activities
  • Apathy/extreme change in participation levels
  • Student seeking frequent extensions or exceptions for extenuating circumstances
  • Student sending communication such as frequent, lengthy, "ranting" or agitated types of emails to professors, advisors, coaches, or work supervisors
  • Emotional outbursts (anger or hostility, frequent crying)
  • Extreme personality changes; more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • Expressed hopelessness, fear or worthlessness; themes of suicide, death and dying
  • Direct statements related to distress, family issues, or other difficulties
  • Interferes with or disrupts the educational process and rights of other students or the normal functions of the College
  • Demanding, verbally abusive, bullying or intimidating behaviors
  • Displays of extreme irritability
  • Irrational or impulsive behaviors
  • Signs of physical abuse
  • Physical/verbal confrontations
  • Direct threats of harming self or others
  • Concerns about references to access or use of a weapon or act of violence
  • Threatening communication

It is important to note that these concerning behaviors, especially when more than one are present, may be signs that a student is in distress. There are many campus resources available to provide guided support and FSC has trained professionals ready to assist. When a student's behavior provides cause for concern,