
Covid-19 Prohibited Behaviors and Enforcement

51勛圖 (FSC) remains committed to ensuring a healthy campus environment for all members of its community. Pursuant to guidance issued by the State University of New York (SUNY) Chancellors Office, the Office of the Dean of Students intends to address COVID-19 related behaviors that threaten or endanger the health and safety of others. In anticipation of a System-wide COVID-19 vaccination mandate (pending the U.S. Food and Drug Administrations (FDA) full approval of a publicly available vaccine option), FSC has developed modified disciplinary guidance for all students.

Be advised, the College may impose additional requirements based on evolving public health conditions, such as increased COVID-19 transmission rates on campus or in the surrounding community. In these extraordinary times, full compliance with FSCs Student Code of Conduct is more important than ever.

Typical Behavior Typical Sanction(s)

COVID-Positive Intentional Violations

Applies to students who have tested positive, unvaccinated students who know they have had close contact with someone who has tested positive, or students being treated/are symptomatic for COVID-19.

  • Intentionally exposing other students or FSC personnel to COVID-19 by any means (ex. hosting a gathering of any size, inviting an individual into an enclosed space, sharing food or other personal items).
  • Suspension from academic activities and on-campus housing for at least one academic year.
  • Dismissal.

Failure to Self-Isolate or Quarantine

Applies to students who have been directed by FSC or the Department of Health to self-isolate on or off campus, and then engage in any conduct that would violate such isolation or mandatory quarantine order.

  • Intentionally leaving isolation, exposing other individuals by any means, or hosting a gathering of any size.
  • Suspension from academic activities and on-campus housing for at least one academic year.
  • Dismissal.

Prohibited Gatherings  

On-Campus: Hosting or attending a campus gathering of any size that violates or exceeds event capacity limits outlined within the SUNY Chancellors memorandum, Final COVID Protocols for the 2021 Summer and Fall Semester.

  • Suspension from academic activities and on-campus housing for at least one academic year.
Note: Hosts may be subject to increased sanctioning at the discretion of the Office of the Dean of Students. Both hosts and attendees must provide verification of vaccination status.

Face Mask and Social Distancing Requirements

 Applies to students found to have committed repeated and/or intentional violations of FSCs face mask/covering or social distance requirements.

 Note: The College expects all students to wear masks and refrain from eating or drinking in instructional settings (classrooms, laboratories, and library); at least until the vaccine requirement is fully implemented. 

  • Suspension from academic activities and on-campus housing for at least one academic year.

Failure to Comply with Campus Surveillance Testing Protocols

Applies to students who fail to attend at least two scheduled appointments, without sufficient excuse, to obtain diagnostic or surveillance COVID-19 testing under FSCs published protocol or fail to submit their daily health screening for at least three consecutive days. Additionally, encompasses fully vaccinated students who have experienced a known exposure to another individual suspected or confirmed to have COVID-19, and fail to test within 3-5 days after exposure.

  • Interim Suspension
  • Electronic deactivation of ID Cards
  • Restricted access to campus buildings and services
  • Suspension of parking privileges
  • Suspension from in-person academic activities

Note: The impacted student may revive full access by obtaining a diagnostic or surveillance test on campus or by submitting negative results of a diagnostic or surveillance test, as applicable.