
Lab/Course and First Day/Inclusive Access Fee Information

The revised SUNY fee policy 7804 (which can be viewed at ) now allows campuses to charge course related fees for academic offerings that entail extraordinary costs and/or result in a tangible end product for students.

Accordingly, effective with the Spring 2025 semester, the College will be charging course/lab fees in the following courses:

Course  Course Name Fee Amount
BIO 120L General Biology Lab $30
BIO 123L Human Body/Hlth & Disease Lab $30
BIO 130L Biological Principles I Lab $25
BIO 131L Biological Principles II Lab $25
BIO 166L Principals of Human Anatomy & Physiology Lab $35
BIO 170L Human Anatomy & Physiology I Lab $35
BIO 171L Human Anatomy & Physiology II Lab $35
BIO 192L Botany Lab $30
BIO 198L Entomology Lab $55
BIO 212L Bioscience Laboratory Practices


BIO 221L Oral Microbiology Laboratory $40
BIO 270L Anatomy and Physiology I Lab $35
BIO 271L Anatomy and Physiology II Lab $35
BIO 310L Ichthyology Lab $70 
BIO 316L General Microbiology Lab $40
BIO 318L Medical Microbiology Lab $40
BIO 330L Principles of Ecology $40
BIO 335L Plant Systematics Lab $40
BIO 344L Principles of Genetics Lab $25
BIO 349L Cell Biology Laboratory


BIO 355L Ecological Topics: Structure & Function of Nature $30
BIO 375L Invertebrate Zoology Lab $60 
BIO 441L Molecular Biology Lab


BIO 480L Bioscience Internship I $50
BIO 481L Bioscience Internship II $50
BIO 482L Bioscience Internship III $50
BIO 483L Bioscience Internship IV $50
BUS 409W Strategic Management - Writing Intensive


CHM 124L Principles of Chemistry Lab $30
CHM 140L Intro to General, Organic & Biochemistry Lab $30
CHM 152L General Chemistry Principles I Lab $35
CHM 153L General Chemistry Principles II Lab $35
CHM 260L Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry  $40
CHM 270L Organic Chemistry I Lab $45
CHM 271L Organic Chemistry II Lab $45
CHM 380L Biochemistry $40
DEN 102L Dental Matl & Expand Funct Lab $60
DEN 105L Dental & Oral Anatomy $155
DEN 106L Oral Radiology I $60
DEN 115 Clinical Dental Hygiene I 


DEN 201L Pain Management Lab $60
DEN 235 Clinical Dental Hygiene III   $722
DEN 302L Principle Of Dental Anesthesia Lab $60
DEN 335 Essentials of Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice I


DEN 345 Essentials of Clinical Dental Hygiene Practice II $75
ECO 491 Applied Eco Analysis


HOR 110L Horticulture I Lab


HOR 111L Horticulture II: Growth & Development Lab $100
HOR 112L Soils - The Foundation of Life Lab $125 
HOR 200L Herbaceous Plants I Lab $150 
HOR 201L Arboriculture Lab $45
HOR 204L Herbaceous Plants II Lab $45
HOR 211L Woody Plants I Lab $45
HOR 212L Woody Plants Lab $45
HOR 218L Indoor Plants Lab


HOR 219L Landscape Construction Lab


HOR 223L Floral Design I - Basics (Lab) $275
HOR 226L Floral Design II - Adv Lab $300
HOR 238L Turfgrass Culture Lab $45
HOR 248L Woody Plant Diagnostic Tech Lab $45
HOR 250L Plant Propagation Lab $45
HOR 330L Weed Science & Management Lab $50
HOR 340L The Sustainable Garden Lab $45
MET 117L Manufacturing Processes (Lab) $30
MET 127L Adv Manufacturing Processes Lab $30
MLS 105L Medical Laboratory Techniques $65
MLS 227L Immunology and Serology Lab


MLS 320L Hematology I Lab


MLS 330L Immunohematology I Lab


MLS 340L Clinical Chemistry I Lab


MLS 350L Clinical Microbiology I Lab


MLS 351L Clinical Microbiology II Lab


MLS 420L Hematology II Lab


NTR 150L Quantity Food Production Lab $30
NTR 200L Food Science Laboratory $30
NTR 300 Cultural Foods $30
NUR 100L Health Assessment Lab $280 
NUR 114L Clinical & Theoretical Foundation


NUR 217H Care Indv/w Acute Health Hosp


NUR 307H Nursing Care of Child & Family - Obstetrics


NUR 307H Nursing Care of Child & Family - Pediatrics


NUR 308H Care Indvls Chronic Health


NUR 402H Community & Mental Health Nursing - Psychiatric


NUR 402H Community & Mental Health Nursing - Community


NUR 405H Nursing Prac: Special Topics


PHY 125L Physical Science Laboratory I $13
PHY 126L Physical Science Laboratory II $13
PHY 135L College Physics I Laboratory $13
PHY 136L College Physics II Laboratory $13
PHY 143L General Physics I (Calculus) $13
PHY 144L General Physics II (Calculus) $13
PHY 480 Physics Research I $13
PHY 481 Physics Research II $13

First Dayâ„¢ course materials are digital versions of the physical textbook that may include additional educational resources such as workbooks, problem sets, tutorials, video, simulations, and interactive software.  Digital textbooks have many features that allow the student to interact with course content like never before.  Depending on the course materials used, features may include highlighting, annotation, search functions, and multimedia links.  

First Dayâ„¢ allows students to have access to the materials on or before the first day of class. 

The following courses utilize digital course materials.  A First Dayâ„¢/Inclusive Access Fee (IAF) is assessed to all students registered for these courses.  The charge appears on your account with the description IAF followed by the course name.   

OPT-OUT - Students may opt-out of this fee and purchase the course materials separately.  The Opt-Out tool is available through the Course Materials link in the First Dayâ„¢ course in Brightspace.  Opt-out requests must be received prior to the add/drop date for the term.  Click here for opt-out instructions.

Click to learn more about First Dayâ„¢.

Click for First Dayâ„¢/Inclusive Access Fee Frequently Asked Questions. 

The Campus Bookstore offers support via:

        Toll Free: 1-844-9-EBOOKS (1-844-932-6657)
        Email: bookstorecustomercare@bncollege.com

BCS 102 Computer Concepts and Appl $91.25 
BCS 109 Introduction to Programming $43.75 
BCS 130 Website Development I $85.64 
BCS 160 Computers, Society & Technology


BIO 130T Biological Principles I $84.99 
BIO 131T Biological Principles II


BIO 318T Medical Microbiology $93.43 
BIO 343T Principles Of Genetics $109.99 
BIO 348T Cell Biology


BUS 101 Accounting I


BUS 102 Accounting II


BUS 202 Business Law I


BUS 271 Intermediate Accounting I $96.68 
BUS 280 International Business $79.99 
PSY 101 Introduction to Psychology $75.00 
SOC 301 Sociology of Violence


SPA 140 Spanish for Law Enforcement


SPA 145 Spanish for Medical Personnel


SPA 147 Spanish for Business I


Please note:  Rates are subject to change without notice by action of Farmingdale State College and/or the SUNY Board of Trustees.