
Proposed Tuition and Fees (per semester)

Tuition and Broad-Based Fees


Full Time

Per credit


Full Time

Per credit

Tuition - Undergraduate - NYS Residents (not including fees)






Tuition - Undergraduate - Non NYS Residents (not including fees)






Tuition - Graduate - NYS Residents (not including fees)






Tuition - Graduate - Non NYS Residents (not including fees)












College Fee






Technology Fee






Athletic Fee






Health Service Fee






Student Activity Fee






Recreation Fee






Transportation Fee






Transcript Fee






*  Transcript Fee is charged per semester, not per credit.     
Details of Broad-Based Fees          
Room and Meal Rates (per semester)




















Meal Plan 





Meal Plan - All Access VIP (new Fall 2024)





Meal Plan - Weekly 14 (new Fall 2024)





Room Damage Deposit **





Common Area Damage Deposit **




** The damage deposits are paid at the beginning of the first semester and are refunded, less any damage charges, at the end of the academic year in June.
Lab/Course Fees - New and Updated Fees ***







DEN 115 Clinical Dental Hygiene I






First Day/Inclusive Access Fees - New and Updated Fees ***







BCS 102   Computer Concepts and Appl






BCS 109 Introduction to Programming






BCS 130 Website Development I






BCS 160   Computer, Society & Technology






BIO 130T   Biological Principles I






BIO 131T   Biological Principles II






BIO 318T Medical Microbiology






BIO 348T   Cell Biology






BUS 101 Accounting I






BUS 102 Accounting II






BUS 202   Business Law I






BUS 271  Intermediate Accounting I






BUS 280 International Business






SOC 301  Sociology of Violence






SPA 140 Spanish for Law Enforcement






SPA 145 Spanish for Medical Personnel






SPA 147 Spanish for Business I






***  For a complete list of Lab/Course and First Day/Inclusive Access Fees, click on the Lab/Course and First Day/Inclusive Access Fee Information link to the right.


Amounts are pending SUNY approval.


Please note:  Rates are subject to change without notice by action of Farmingdale State College of New York and/or the SUNY Board of Trustees.