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Academics & Sustainability

Sustainability Related Courses

The sustainability principles we value here at FSC are intertwined throughout many of our academic programs and course offerings. We believe that teaching about sustainability in the classroom is the first step in creating sustainable communities and instilling sustainability practices in our student body.

Interested in learning more about sustainability? Check out the following sustainability related courses that are offered at FSC:

ARC 263: Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing and Energy Systems
BIO 120: General Biology
CIV 402: Civil Engineering Materials
CIV 410: Transportation Engineering
CIV 411: Water & Wastewater Systems
CIV 412: Highway Engineering
CON 161: Materials and Methods of Construction I
CON 162: Materials and Methods of Construction II
ENV 101: Energy Sustainability and Environment
GEO 201: Physical Geography
GEO 211: The World and its People
GEO 222: Human Geography
GEO 323: Urban Geography
GEO 330: Environmental Interactions
GIS 351: GIS and Public Health
HPW 245: Ethics in the Health Profession
HPW 400: Community Health
HPW 470: Healthy America
IND 310: Industrial Hygiene
PHY 114: Physical Science: Environment
NTR 420: Community Nutrition
SOC 325: Social Inequity
SOC 350: Global Social Change
STS 341: Sustainable Food Systems: Food Literacy
STS 342: Food and Nutrition Policy in the U.S.

Energy House

Sustainability Research and Resources

Renewable Energy & Sustainability Center

The Renewable Energy & Sustainability Center's mission is to enhance public awareness of emerging renewable energy resources through a focus on applied research and workforce training in the renewable/sustainable and smart grid technologies.

Clean Energy Credentials: Wind Turbine Technology and Sustainable Energy Certificates

Whether you are a graduating high school senior, a current college student, or a seasoned professional, there is something for everyone in the Wind Turbine Technology and Sustainable Energy Certificates at FSC. All of these programs will help to improve your awareness of opportunities in wind power and sustainable energy available to you. Lean more.


Service Building, 124


Maia Roseval
Sustainability Manager, Committee Chair


Michael Cervini
Energy Manager


Jonathan Goldstein
Senior Director of Marketing


Marjaneh Issapour
Professor 10 Months


Zachary Licht
Senior Professional Relations Specialist


Orla Smyth-LoPiccolo
Professor 10 Months