
51³Ô¹Ï seal logo displayed over a green background.

Sustainable Transportation

In New York State, transportation accounts for more than three-quarters of the petroleum used and nearly 40% of greenhouse gases generated. FSC is dedicated to reducing its carbon footprint by implementing more secure, sustainable, and cleaner transportation options for students and employees.

Our goal is to increase awareness and utilization of alternative modes of transportation, including: walking, bicycling, public transport, car sharing programs, low- or no-emission vehicles and teleconferencing.

Sustainable Transportation

Bike Friendly University Designation

51³Ô¹Ï has received Honorable Mention for the 2023 Bicycle Friendly University (BFU) award! Farmingdale joins a cohort of 220 colleges and universities across America working together with the League and local advocates to build stronger communities, safer streets, and better bicycling for everyone. 

511 Rideshare

No matter where you live, there are alternatives to driving alone. 511NY Rideshare brings you transportation resources to improve your traveling experience!

Ridesharing can be a convenient option – allowing you to save money and connect with others. 511NY Rideshare offers ridematching for carpools and vanpools for sustainable commuters, and resources for taking transit, finding park and ride lots, bicycling, walking, telework and other options. Check out FSC's 511 Rideshare Portal .




FSC is committed to reducing the amount of idling that happens on campus. Engine idling is when the car engine is left running but you're not moving (usually for more than 10-20 seconds). FSC is committed to reducing on-campus idling to near elimination. Why stop idling?

  • Environment: When an engine is running, it emits carbon dioxide (CO2), which is the main greenhouse gas responsible for climate change. By switching off your engine when stopped, you stop these emissions too!
  • Health: Idling makes for worse air quality, which is bad for human health and can impact our entire campus community.
  • Money: Idling wastes fuel that you’re paying for! Conserve your gas and save money.
  • Safety: When cars and buses are idling, it is harder for students to hear cars that actually moving, which might be hidden behind idling cars.

Take the pledge to stop idling , and help our campus reach its sustainability goals.


Service Building, 124


Maia Roseval
Sustainability Manager, Committee Chair


Michael Cervini
Energy Manager


Jonathan Goldstein
Senior Director of Marketing


Marjaneh Issapour
Professor 10 Months


Zachary Licht
Senior Professional Relations Specialist


Orla Smyth-LoPiccolo
Professor 10 Months